
The Big Getter Voyage Map
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In the summer of 2008 I will be taking a pontoon houseboat down the Mississippi River from Minneapolis St. Paul to the Gulf of Mexico. It will be my home and vessel as I descend the mighty Mississip. This will be a healthy and relaxing trip, an adventure worth experiencing, and a good-livin-hell-of-a-time. For six years this trip has been living as a fantastical goal within me. I know the beginning is around the bend, and that makes me smile like I just lost my training wheels.

The boat is not traditional in many ways except for that it floats. It is a unique HPB (human powered boat) that in basic appearance looks like a hybrid between a cataraft on steroids and a traditional houseboat. There are four different systems of propulsion that can be operated individually or in conjunction with one another. Its primary form of power comes from two pedal-driven-propeller stations located at the stern on both sides of the boat. They resemble recumbent bicycles with a propeller instead of wheels. In addition, there is a set of oars for rowing on the front deck. The boat also has, for those occasions when the current is strong, sweeps that can be operated from the top of the cabin. Sweeps are long oars that resemble gigantic hockey sticks. They protrude fore and aft of the boat and are used for steering and lateral movement but not necessarily to gain downstream momentum. Lastly there is an outboard motor that can be used in emergencies, for safety and to make up lost time.

The 3-foot diameter inflatable pontoons are 22 feet long and are attached to a frame constructed from 2” Aluminum pipe. The frame also doubles as the skeletal structure, which supports a hanging floor, two side decks, a front deck and a cabin. Plywood that is cut to the right dimensions and fastened to the aluminum pipe forms the floor and decks. As for the cabin, it is waterproof nylon, canvas and mesh all sewn together and fitted around the aluminum pipe. Inside the cabin there are four berths, a living area, a kitchen and storage. Oh yeah there is a bathroom too, outfitted with all the amenities a camping king would expect.

From June through August I’ll weave approximately 1800 miles through 10 states to the ever-nearing Gulf Coast. Geographically speaking the Mississippi River is separated into two sections, the upper and lower, with the dividing point lying at the confluence with the Ohio River. Both section are as unique as they are long and will offer a river front glimpse at Middle America. One major difference of the Upper Mississippi is that it is a series of pools created by channel dams, while the lower half is free flowing. Due to this, the average current will be much faster downstream of the Ohio River. Along the way I will ‘lock through’ 27 locks, visit the homes of Mark Twain and Elvis, dodge barge traffic, and do some fishing and sunbathing. I intend to explore as much as possible, learn what I can and enjoy life to brim.

If you’d like to come, believe me, I want you to. In fact, I want as much company as possible. The cabin will sleep four, so I hope to have three others with me at all times. The invitation is open to everyone and anyone, family, friends, friends of friends, and especially to characters I meet along the way. There is an itinerary in the blog archive that will help you choose when, where and for how long you would like to join the adventure. Don't worry; I expect the trip will take me 100 days, so you'll have all summer to fit in a Mississippi get-a-way.

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Once you have selected a blog from the blog archive you will have to scroll down to view it.  ;)  

Blog Archive

Day 36, 19 Miles - Dutchman Island to Keokuk

Well, the wind shifted and is now in our faces. It steadily increased all day until the motor was a necessity. We beat against it for a few hours until the constant pitching droves us to hard ground. We anchored at Nauvoo and paddled the dingy Drumman ashore. We all walked a crooked line but the slight sea-sickness soon resided. For the time being that is. Old Nauvoo has been restored and we got several history lessons from friendly folks enjoying the fresh combination of shade and breeze. We ducked into a hotel's restaurant in search of something cool to drink.  It was lively and seemed popular. The antique furniture and wooden banister seemed almost western to me. "Can I help you?" the hostess asked. "Do you have lemonade or a milkshake?" I asked her back. Expressionlessly she told us that they didn't serve drinks. I thought that pecular considering the very realistic looking lemonade urn behind her. Maybe this was not a restaurant at all but a movie set with props and extras all pretending to sip soda and enjoy their fake meals. The waitress mysteriously refused to serve us (it might be that we were obviously not carrying mormon club cards). I was fine not giving them my business so we walked across the street feeling more than a little confused over what had just transpired. The next spot was a diner with a menu that made my stomach grow. We were all a little surprised to see alcohol being served but Joe, who seemed to be a permanent fixture atop a bar stool, proved that thought to be a misconception. He slurred as if he only had half of a tongue and was dually friendly and confrontational as only a drunk can be. Very generously he bought all of our lunches and when I thanked him spouted out two words and a mouth full of saliva, "what ever." "Alrighty then" I said as I turned my back and raised my eyebrows out of curiosity. In a matter of 30 minutes I had two of the strangest dining experiences I have ever had. Back on the boat the wind had only increased. For 10 long miles we drove into the wind and swells. Big Getter handled fine and furthered my opinion of her as a seaworthy craft. Most of the waves were in the 2-3 foot range but every once in a while a set would come through that would lick up onto her front deck. The horizon bounced 15 degrees at a time and as it shot up, Karin's stomach continued to do the opposite.  I realized just how bad she was feeling when she tied her hair back and sat next to the edge of the deck. She turned a little green but managed to stave of the nausea.

I'm a slave driver

Big Getter fans - Brigham Young and Joseph Smith

Karin prepares to barf

Yee Haw


aaron said...

update your 'Wish List' so that all of us sitting at our desks can send you handy items and thus feel more intimately connected with your adventure;. therefore, reducing the probability of a workplace rampage.

Anonymous said...

Mangtang. no rampages. ok.

Anonymous said...

You don't have to be a Mormon to be served at the Hotel Nauvoo, Justus, you just have to buy the $17 buffet to be able to get a drink there. It's an area institution but you probably wouldn't have found anyone there that would have bought you lunch.

Bill Shaw
